Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 Update Problems Emerge

Earlier this month, the highly anticipatedSamsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update started rolling out, bringing Galaxy Gear support and other features to users of the aging smartphone. However, as the Galaxy S3 roll out continues, we are starting to get a glimpse at the other side of the update as Galaxy S3 users are reporting several Android 4.3 update problems including battery life drain.
Last month, Samsung finally confirmed the expected, announcing a Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update roll out. The update, which had been expected for quite some time, started rolling out several days ago, bringing a number of enhancements to Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 update users including support for the Galaxy Gear smartwatch, Samsung KNOX for added security, some of the software features from the Galaxy S4, and of course, features from Android 4.3 Jelly Bean itself.
The Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 update continues to roll out though it still hasn’t hit the United States. The Sprint Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 update was slated for November 6th, only to miss that date for unexplained reasons. The software emerged on Sprint’s website yesterday with a new build, a sign that Sprint isn’t quite done with the testing process. And while anticipation is high, Sprint Galaxy S3 owners might want to consider themselves lucky at this point.
For several days now, we’ve been monitoring the Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 Jelly Bean roll out. And while there are certainly some users who are enjoying the new features, there are plenty of others that are complaining about a multitude of issues that have emerged with the new software.
Forums are rife with complaints from Galaxy S3 users on Android 4.3, many of them on Vodafone Ireland, the first carrier to release the Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 Jelly Bean software. Users who have installed the software are, unsurprisingly, dealing with some perceived issues including battery drain, a sluggish user interface including taps on the home button and opening apps, and more.
The most prevalent issue that Galaxy S3 users have with the update is the perceived impact that it has on the device’s battery life. There are users complaining about massive battery drain issues, issues that have caused many to lash out. Battery life issues are common after major updates so to see complaints isn’t surprising.
Often, software updates will stabilize over time so it’s possible that the battery life problems and sluggish UI issues that are dominating these forums will dissipate in the near future.
Issues or not, the Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 roll out continues and it is expected to hit the United States in the near future. Rumors suggest that the software will touch down for major carriers this month and the nation’s fifth, U.S. Cellular, says that it will be rolling it out in the coming weeks. Users in the United States should remain hopeful that extensive testing will mitigate these issues but simply put, software updates are never one hundred percent perfect and it looks like the Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 update might be far from it at this point.
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