Samsung recently started rolling out the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update for its flagship smartphone of 2012, the Galaxy S III. While the company is still busy pushing out the update globally, a new report has unearthed issues with the Galaxy S III after the Android 4.3 update.
A report by Phones Review says that some users in UK have encountered problems with their Galaxy S III smartphone after the Android 4.3 update.
According to the report, the Galaxy S III users are complaining of unresponsive handsets, particularly the lockscreen, after updating the smartphone. Other issues include erratic Wi-Fi connectivity, poor battery backup, and a system hanging problem that requires the battery to be pulled out to restart the smartphone.
The report also speculates that the South Korean manufacturer might have stopped the Android 4.3 update for Galaxy S III, after the issue attracted attention. It also expects that this may result to delay in Android 4.3 update for the Galaxy Note 2 phablet.
Notably, the Android 4.3 update for Galaxy S III brings support for Galaxy Gear, Samsung's first wearable tech device, making the S III smartphone the fourth device to sport the functionality after Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition and Samsung Galaxy S4, as previously reported.
Interestingly, the South Korean major skipped the Android 4.2 update for the Galaxy S III and the device was still running the dated Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean, so the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update was long overdue.
The Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update for Samsung Galaxy S III brings many changes, including a core UI elements update, which makes it similar to Galaxy S4; new Samsung keyboard; updated GPU drivers; new lockscreen with multiple widgets and improved ripple effect; new Screen modes (like Galaxy S4); Daydream; Driving mode; new actionable notifications; new move to SD card feature; additions in notification centre; revamped settings UI and new Camera mode with Sound and Shoot.
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