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Jellypop Custom Rom For Walton F2 I DroidBuzzz™ |
★★★ Some guide for using this ROM. must read ★★★
1) OG Battery MOD added.
(to select battery style tap 3times on battery icon or go to settings\display\battery style & select your battery style)
2) google keyboard 5.0 (lollipop) material added.
(to select material theme, go to settings\language & input\google keyboard settings\Advanced settings\color scheme & select material)
3) Lollipop Messenger added.
(if you send SMS from messenger its send from sim-1. but receive on both sim. its not ROM's bug. its Lollipop messenger's style
if you want to send SMS from sim-2 then send from default JB MMS app or go to messenger\settings\my phone number & save your sim-2 number)
4) Dolby added.
(so don't install viper or any equalizer. if you install viper etc then Dolby stopped working)
5) Lollipop gapps added.
(its use more RAM. so if you don't use gapps then freeze gapps to more free ram)
6) Material style file manager added.
(to stop unofficial popup select don't show again & press OK)
7) Lollipop plat logo & game added.
(to play game long press on plat logo then select Lland & press always)
8) If you want to use auto brightness then you have to use Lux (latest version) or other 3rd apps.
*this ROM based on W68 stock (Untouched JB by Shovik bro) so light sensor not working without Lux etc*
9) must install busy box pro (latest) for proper work all tweaks.
★★★ Others ★★★
-bugles pure AOSP
-Duel 3g
-22 style battery icon. 18 with %
-init.d supported
-3g speed boost
-material dark looks
-Lollipop calling screen
-battery tweak
-CPU tweak
-better RAM management
-batter camera quality
-sense 4style recent app
-transparent notification tile & toggles & more..
Credit: Shovik bro for Untouched JB & all of my mamus for support me
***ROM Download Link: [CLICK HERE]
Flashable font link:[CLICK HERE]
Light Fix Patch Link: [CLICK HERE}
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