NBA 2K15 player  Create on  Xbox One / PS4 by scanning your face

NBA 2K15 Create on player Xbox One / PS4 to analyze your Face

If, like me, you do not have the patience to perfectly recreate your look in the system of character customization in a game, NBA 2K15 is offering a good substitute: You can now simply scan your face in the game.

This new technology face exploration is carried out in Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions of 2K15. To do this, you obviously need the camera the respective console. (Fortunately, buyers Xbox Kinect least one will be able to start just before Kinects buyingstandalone 2K15 will be released.)

The video above shows the process of scanning your face; Basically, you get very close (6-12 inches) of the camera and slowly turn your head 30 degrees left and right. According to 2K, it only takes about 30 seconds in total, although it is assumed that all goes well.

Once your face has been scanned, the game will build a custom head based on that data. Although not the first game to do something like this - remember Rainbow Six. Vegas doing an abomination of the head at the time - 2K says the process "is not capturing an image the 3D model is captured all over her face, that brings more realism than any system before. "

With his face in the game, you can touch up your eyes, giving you the opportunity to perform a rhinoplasty in his own virtual (or anything else). You can see more of this in the gallery below.

NBA 2K15 launches on October 7 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

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