To keep anonymous you cannot use only a VPN and think you are safe, that's not how it works. Most of the software developers are holding logs or are distributing because you use their tools. People made (most of the time open-source) software to keep you anonymous because privacy is a right and is very important. We are going to have it about the tools and software that are avaible for Windows and Linux. We are going to introduce you the most known or best tools to use, we are going also to give examples that are good and bad so you can learn from it for the next time, also to note all software that is provided in the tutorial is free to use.

Tools & Software: Windows
**Alert: for the people that are still using Windows XP are recommeded to upgrade to a newer version of Windows due security reasons because Microsoft doesn't support XP anymore - so no more updates.**

Anonymizing Networks - sort of browsers and software to develop websites such as forums

Network - Tor
Official website: click here 

[Image: 306px-Tor-logo-2011-flat.svg.png]

Description: Free software for enabling online anonymity. Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer network consisting of more than four thousand relays to conceal a user's location or usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis. Using Tor makes it more difficult to trace Internet activity, including "visits to Web sites, online posts, instant messages, and other communication forms", back to the user and is intended to protect the personal privacy of users, as well as their freedom and ability to conduct confidential business by keeping their internet activities from being monitored.

Forum software - Syndie
Official website: click here

[Image: syndie.png]

Description: Distributed, anonymous forum software. Syndie is an open source cross-platform computer application to syndicate (re-publish) data (mainly forums) over a variety of anonymous and non-anonymous computer networks.

Disk Encryption - TrueCrypt
Official website: click here

[Image: truecrypt.png]

Descrption: TrueCrypt is a source-available freeware application used for on-the-fly encryption (OTFE). It can create a virtual encrypted disk within a file or encrypt a partition or (under Microsoft Windows except Windows 2000 and Windows 8 with GPT) the entire storage device (pre-boot authentication). This means you can crypt your hard-disk so nobody else can check out wich files you got on your hard-disk.

E-mail service - Autistici/Inventati
Official website: click here

[Image: autistici-inventati.png]

Description: Having a mailbox on our servers is a way to safeguard at your (and our) best one's own privacy, avoiding the need to give away personal data or relationships to multinationals or to some commercial provider. At the same time, it means being able to use some tools our servers give you to reach this aim, such as SSL cyphered communication for example. 

Finance (payment processors) - Bitcoin & Litecoin
Official websites: Bitcoin 

[Image: bitcoin.png] [Image: litecoin.png]
BTC Description: P2P digital currency with no central authority.

LTC Description: A peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and open source software project released under the MIT/X11 license. Inspired by and technically nearly identical to Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin creation and transfer is based on an open source protocol and is not managed by any central authority. Litecoin is intended by its developers to improve upon Bitcoin and offers three key differences.
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