After the launch of Canvas A74, Micromax had launched their next Smartphone in the market for RS 13,000. The device is termed as Canvas EAGO A113. It features a 4.7 inch screen size and an 8 Megapixel camera. The device is powered by a 1.2 GHz Quad core processor and a 1 GB RAM. Canvas EAGO A113 runs on Android JELLY BEAN and supports dual Sim Card facility.
- 1.2 GHz Quad core processor
- 1 1 GB Memory
- 4 GB internal storage
- 8 Megapixel Autofocus camera
- 4.7 inch capacitive touch screen
- 3 G, Wi-FI, Bluetooth, A-GPS, FM Radio
- Android 4.1.2 JELLY BEAN
- Dual Sim
- 2000 mAh Battery.
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