"Music For These Times" will be designed to incorporate a regular feature called "DAG". "DAG" is the acronym for "Dirty American Girl" and it has a rather special meaning that has nothing to do with the aggressive street tone it would seem to hold. Dirty American Girl is a referral to the fact that the co-host has a reputation for latching onto today's hot topics without regard for typical political correctness with a focus on the collective community meeting each other half-way and collaborating with each other to make this earth a better place than when we first came into it.
This DAG portion of the show will be an all talk format. The show has not even been produced yet and already there is buzz about it on the inner-city streets of Los Angeles and rumors say that word is starting to get out in the Hollywood area.
Who are our supporters? The indie music industry, indie artists, and collective of a mix of followers, fans, and the cousin of a certain Hollywood celebrity who will remain unnamed until a later time.
WHO are Saucy Radio and DAG? Saucy Radio is an on-line streaming station with the goal of becoming an actual main stream radio feature show. About DAG: Her radio / stage name is "Summa" and you can view her profile at the Saucy Radio Official Website. Click the "who am I?" link.
Updates will be given as to show days, times, and show length once final details are set in stone.
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