Custom Rom Redmi Pro 3 by Jemeh Slemeneh |
Custom Rom Redmi Pro 3 by Jemeh Slemeneh |
Custom Rom Redmi Pro 3 by Jemeh Slemeneh |
Custom Rom Redmi Pro 3 by Jemeh Slemeneh |
Custom Rom Redmi Pro 3 by Jemeh Slemeneh |
Log :
- Free Ram banyak
- Sony apps..
- Stock Google Apps
- Xperia Z lock Screen
- Xperia X clock style
Bug :
- belum nemuin
Bahan :
- Twrp By cofface
- Backupan Rom dari agan Jemeh Slemeneh link ada dibawah
- Doa
Tutor Install Rom redmi 3 Pro :
- Extract File hasil download tadi.
- Taruh di folder /sdcard/TWRP (disini) ingat habis folder backup jangan ada folder backup lagi. Contoh :
- Reboot Recovery ( usahakan pake twrp cofface ) yang lain gk tau bisa ato gak..
- Check Backupan tadi dah kedetek belum cara nya di bagian restore cek ada backup an ane tadi kgk. Jika ada jangan di restore dulu. Lalu kembali
- Wipe all (dalvick,chace,data,*system)
*system ( opsionan )
- Mount System dan hilangkan check list " mount system for read only"
- Restore file backupan rom ane tadi.
- tunggu hingga selesai
- Reboot System
- tunggu sampai selesai ( proses bakal lama sekitar 10-15 menit)
Tara.. Tinggal pake tema Xperia X di theme Choser, dan setting nav bar di Setting/configuration/navbar, lalj pasang widget Xperia dan setting sendiri sesuka hati di settingan Xperia Clock.
Source : Xiaomi Redmi 3 Pro Indonesia
Thx to :- Allah SWT.
- Kawan2 R3/R3Pro Indonesia
- RR Group ( Resurrection Remix )
- CM Group ( Cyanogen Mod )
- Atlan KRK
- Varun Date
- Varun Chitre
- Akhil Narang
- Brian Koluch
Link Rom : ( Download )
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