WhatsApp Enabled 2 Step Authentication & Audio Background Play

This is one of the reason why I love WhatsApp … constant improvement. I just can’t remember the very last time I opened my BBM app. few weeks ago, WhatsApp rolled out its video calling features to beta testers and now again, two updates have been added, Audio in background and 2 step authentication to improve security features.

Background Audio Play back
You can now play Audio messages in the background. Previously, you had to keep WhatsApp open and stay within the conversation to hear any voice message received in it. But now reverse is the case, you switch to other conversation, apps etc as long as the audio message isn’t finish, it will keep playing.
2 step Authentication
Though we’ve been waiting for this to manifest and now, we have WhatsApp 2-factor authentication. This new features has gone live on the latest beta version of whatsapp (2.16.341 and above, maybe even earlier).
Go to account settings in WhatsApp, you'll see a new Two-step verification option. Tap it to get to a screen that explains what 2-step verification is and get the option to enable it.
Enter a 6-digit passcode that you'll be asked for each time you try to register your phone number with WhatsApp, and confirm it. You'll also need to give an email address that'll be used to reset your passcode should you forget it. 
Once that's done, two-step verification will be active on your phone number. No one will be able to activate WhatsApp with the same phone number unless they have the passcode or access to the email account to reset it.
If you are not a beta tester, seat and wait for the updates to hit Google playstore.
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