Custom Rom LG G4 for Oppo Neo 3

Custom Rom LG G4 for Oppo Neo 3 

BY Dika As-Syekher Bagorejo 

Custom Rom LG G4 for Oppo Neo 3
By Dika As-Syekher Bagorejo

Custom Rom LG G4 for Oppo Neo 3
By Dika As-Syekher Bagorejo

Features :
-Rom Os 5.0
-Based on 4..2.2
-Single 3G
-Like LG G4
-LG G4 Dialer

-Init.d support Rasakan sendiri

Bug :
-Tidak ada bahasa indonesia
-Kunci layar terkadang fc sendiri

Link Download  : rom LG G4

Cara instal custom rom Oppo Neo 3 :
  •  Trio Wipe 
  • Wipe data 
  • Wipe cache 
  • Wipe dalvik 

Credit :
  1.  Mtk rom 
  2. M Ngibad 
  3. Leehoe Blank Blank 
  4. Lambe Tse 
  5. Mbae Tse 
  6. Ishigo No Takai
  7. Icen El-Abrory

Source : Oppo Neo 3 Indonesia Community 

Custom Rom Oppo Neo 3 lainnya : Custom Rom AFTERMATH V6.0 for Oppo Neo 3

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