Berikut adalah UPDATE CUSTOM ROM NOKIA X UNTUK ADVAN S4A STAR MINI, Adapun yang belum punya versi lamanya silahkan baca artikel CUSTOM ROM NOKIA X ADVAN S4A STAR MINI melalui link di bawah ini : DISINI 


Cusrom Nokia X by Arch Ieqbal untuk Evercoss A28A yang di Port ke Advan S4a.

Fitur NOKIA X :
-Nokia HERE maps "work"
-Nokia MIXradio "work"
-Nokia Launcher "work" (bug : Nokia Launcher kadang FC)
-Nokia Browser "work"
-Nokia Store "work"
-Nokia Outlook "work"
-Microsoft Office Mobile "work"
-One Drive Nokia "work"
-Contact Transfer "work"
-Lock Screen Nokia X
-Google Play Store
Fitur pendukung :
-FB Systemui
-Transparent Background System
-Tweak Pure performance
-Tweak Game
-Auto Swap cache [cek pake RAM expander/Disk Info]
-Extra HD Graphic RR3 [iphone 5.1]
-boot Animation Nokia X. Ringtone Nokia X.
-Dual 3G, Custom icon, dll2.

(penting..!!, karna sebagian ROM ini di ambil langsung dari ROM NOKIA X)
-masuk cwm
-clear cache, data, dalvik cache
-Install Nokia_X.zip
== >> setelah ROM keinstall bakalan Force Close.
-matikan HP.
-masuk cwm (tekan Power dan Tombol Volume Atas bersamaan)
-install "Nokia_X_Fixedall_PurePerformance.zip".-Sukses. ;)
pelengkap :
-Aktifkan Nokia X Lockscreen. pkoknya centang aja. (wallpaper lockscreen bisa diganti)
-Google Play store ada di >setting>apps>all. ("Launch" untuk menjalankan, atau "disable" biar RAM tambah lega.)

cara ngefix aplikasi WHATSAPP, FACEBOOK MESENGER, dll. biar gak FC :
-buka root exploler. /system/
-ubah permission build prop jadi rwx rwx rwx (read,write,execute)
-open with text editor.
-cari "ro.product.manuvacturer=nokia"
-ganti "ro.product.manuvacturer=nokia_android"
-ubar permisson jadi rw-r-r.
nb : stelah manufacturernya diganti, kadang Nokia RadioMix gak work.
Thank's To:
-Arch Ieqbal
-Dan ALL Member Advan S4A
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