[New Method] How to fix bluestacks resolution the right way (With pictures)

UPDATE: I uploaded an executable file for all to make it easy.
1. Extract the file to anywhere in your computer.
2. Run as admin "Auto Close and Resize BS.bat" and let it run after it's done.
3. Run Bluestacks as admin.
4. DONE!

I made this topic for all new users and some that still don't know how to fix Bluestack resolution. Bluestack resolution is very important if you want to use Lazypressing. If your Bluestack is not in the right resolution it will cause issues like "clicking random things over and over again." "Not able to locate your barracks, army camp etc" "Not attacking" and many more. So follow this detailed instruction how to fix resolution of bluestacks.

1. Close Bluestacks window.
2. Go to system tray, look for Bluestacks icon that looks like this ---> qoHlqS2.pngthen right click and select "Quit". See picture for reference. URtFDmh.jpg

3. Use the 800x600.reg file located in LP folder that you just downloaded.
    Open it or Double click > Yes > Yes

or do it manually.

1. Go to Start and then type regedit and open it.
2. Navigate to:
You will need to change the values for WindowHeight = 600 and WindowWidth = 800
To change double left click / right click and select Modify --> Select Decimal --> enter value (width or height)

4. Start Bluestacks again with administrator. DONE!

To those PC that have high screen resolution and having issues with LP Follow below.

1.Right click Bluestacks -> Properites -> Compatibilty -> click Disable display scaling on high DPI settings

2.If your PC screen resolution is higher than 1600*900. Set your pc screen reslotuion below 1600*900

Right click anywhere in desktop that has no icons.



Select a resolution that suites you but lower than 1600*900


Note: If still you can't fix it. Make a topic in Helpdesk. Provide the required information and we will be glad to help you. Thanks
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