Trick Get Free Delivery in FlipKart Without Being FlipKart First User [Almost All Sellers]

FlipKart is currently the top online retailer and Amazon stands behind it. The good thing about Amazon is that all the items with the tag of Fulfilled by Amazon are having free delivery, this means that you can get free delivery even on products for Rs. 500 or less which isn't possible at FlipKart because they charge Rs. 40 every time you buy things from them (WSR and FlipKart Advantaged products). For instance, I have ordered Re. 1 things from Amazon and it didn't charge any extra fee for the delivery. Also I have ordered some books worth Rs. 40-50 and again, they didn't charge extra fee. This is the reason why I LIKE AMAZON MORE THAN FLIPKART. One day I was trying to order clothes for myself and it was not equal to the value for which FlipKart gives free delivery, so I was to be charged for Rs. 40. Then somehow I tried a trick and voila, it worked. By that way I got free delivery on FlipKart. I have revealed it in my Facebook Deals group, but I am now posting it on my blog so that everyone can take benefit of this trick and get free delivery on products less than Rs. 500! 
This works on everything starting from Cables to Clothes and everything which FlipKart offers you under Rs. 500 and that too without being a flipkart first subscriber...

FlipKart Free Delivery Trick Without FlipKart First Subscription
How To Get Free Delivery On FlipKart

FlipKart's Term and Condition says that the Cart value should be equal to or more than Rs. 500 to be eligible for free delivery.. So let's take benefit of this T&C!

  • Search for your product. Make sure the seller is WSRetail or any other seller which has got FlipKart Advantage tag with it.
  • Add it to your cart.
  • Now add DigiFlip tablet to your cart or anything that makes your cart value equal or more than RS. 500. I prefer you to add DigiFlip tablet to your cart. Visit it's link from here.
  • After adding both the times to your cart, proceed the payment and choose COD (Cash on Delivery) as your payment mode.
  • Order the items..
  • Now after 2 minutes, cancel the order of tablet!
  • At the end you will see only your thing has been ordered with free delivery.
So finally, you will get anything under Rs. 500 from FlipKart with free delivery. Want to see proof Here it is!

FlipKart Free Delivery Trick Proof
This will definiately work, but in case you are having problems, then comment below.. Do subscribe to our email notification for more awesome deals like this!
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