By Raj Devkar
=> Very smooth & fast=> Android Lolipop Splash Screen
=> Xperia Bootanimation.
=> Xperia Themed System UI
=> Xperia Z2 Framework Animation.
=> Themed Dialer, Contacts, MMS etc.
=> Xperia Z2 Launcher.
=> Xperia Z2 Clock & Weather Widget.
=> Xperia Z2 Sociallife.
=> Xperia Z2 Smart Connect
=> Xperia Z2 Photo Widget.
=> Xperia Z2 Clock.
=> Xperia Z2 Calender
=> Xperia Z2 X-Reality Engine.
=> Xperia Z2 Contact Widget.
=> Xperia Z2 Note.
=> Xperia Walkman.
=> Xperia Lounge.
=> Xperia Recording app.
=> Sony Sketch Font.
=> Sony Social Camera.
=> Sony Small Apps.
=> Sony Select.
=> Sony Sketch.
=> Sony Photo Editor.
=> Custom Lockscreen
=> Multi-Window Sidebar.
=> Visible brightness slider in notification panel.
=> Navigation bar enabled
=> Stock Calculator
=> Stock Camera
=> Stock Gallery
=> Motion Shot
=> Motiongraph
=> AR Effect
=> Background Defocus
=> TrackID
=> Wikitude Places
=> Build.prop Tweaked
=> Gapps Included.
Credits for Devloping Rom
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