Requirements :-1.A Computer
2.Java (No need if u have already installed)
3.Cygwin Setup
3.Android Kitchen
Pictures to show what need to select

Make Sure You click the Double

Arrows until it
selects all the packages in the list, all or needed for Dsixda’s Kitchen

Now open your cygwin folder (mine :- C://cygwin/)

Open home folder

U will see ur username there (Mine :- KEVU) Open that folder

Don't Delete any file...just make new folder named "kitchen"

Now open ur Android kichen folder(extracted)...and Copy all files and paste it in kichen folder(which made in previous step)

Now open cygwin from desktop write
cd kitchen
and press enter

then write
and press enter

now your kitchen is ready to cook custom roms...

!! ENJOY !!
Main Thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/software/how-to-setup-cygwin-android-kitchen-t2883539
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