Now might add PS4 PlayStation, PS2 and PS1 Games, Sony says

Sony says the response from users has now PlayStation been "very positive" measure. 


Now might add PS4 PlayStation, PS2 and PS1 Games

Streaming gaming service PlayStation Sony PlayStation 4 could get now, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 1 games plus PlayStation 3 games currently offered, the company said.

"In our plans for the future we're looking at all there is a real possibility that you will see PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2, and PlayStation 4 titles available," Sony Entertainment Network VP Eric Lempel told Game Informer in an interview. "Right now it's only PlayStation 3, but these are all options for the future."

Furthermore, Lempel said that Sony is currently looking to make changes to the pricing model based on comments now PlayStation users. As noted above, with rental prices ranging as high as $ 49.99, and there is no way to access digital games previously purchased PSN, prices are currently too high. Lempel not specify future prices, but recently introduced Now PlayStation game rentals for as low as $ 1.99.

As for the Netflix subscription option type we said we wanted in our article about how PlayStation now has to change, Lempel said that Sony is studying the possibility of establishing a price for a given set of content. "No details on that yet, but we are actively working on that behind the scenes, we've heard from our users that this is something they are really interested," Lempel said. He added that Sony has not ruled out allowing users to simply buy a complete set of PlayStation now.

Finally, Lempel said PlayStation far now going "extremely well" to "very positive" feedback from users, 80 percent of those who said they are having a good gaming experience on the service.

PlayStation has now been in open beta since late July.
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