Android Secret Codes, Secret Menu for Testing Smartphones
Android secrete codes are used to display hidden menu's in smartphones. You can check alot of hidden options inside phones with help of these code.
Hard Reset . This will delete all user data.
This code will show 5 hidden menu .
Battery information
Phone information
Battery Usage
To Check the Imei Number.
With this code you can view SW version PDA CSC and MODEM
Unlock Camera Detail .
To activate the Service Mode
For ADC Reading
Testing Vibrate Motor Test Mode
This code will open back up file system. where you can copy your data
Real Time Clock Test code
To diagnostic configuration
USB I2C Mode Controller
Packet Loopback
Try System Dump Mode
For Factory Reset. Will remove download apps,OS,Google account setting.
Testing Quick Test Menu
Sellout SMS
For testing Bluetooth , GPS,Wifi try these codes.
MAC address for WIFI
Bluetooth testing
Bluetooth device address
*#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* OR *#*#528#*#*
WLAN testing. You can use menu button to start various tests.
GPS testing
Various and Important factory test with these codes.
*#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#*
Melody test
Touch screen test
Proximity sensor test
RAM version
Touch screen version
Device test (Vibration test and Back Light test)
LCD test
Outgoing International SMS status
Call waiting status
Unconditional Call Forwarding status
Incoming caller ID status
outgoing caller ID status
incoming SMS status
Incoming SMS If Roaming status.
Outgoing SMS status
Note : All these codes are not tested . I have tested some of them. I do not take any responsibilities for any loss.
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