Here's the solution that may help fix or repair Nokia X5 USB charging problem. When the device shows no charging indication when the battery charger is plug-in, the components showed on the solution below such as the chip fuse and a diode might possibly damaged.This solution shows the location of the components that needs to check or then replace if found damaged.
Repair hints:
Check the USB pin connector and ensure that it is free from dirt or oxidation, clean or replace it if necessary.
Check the chip fuse if open, replace if damaged
Check the diode if shorted, replaced if damaged
If the fuse and the diode is okay but the charging problem still exists proceed to rework or replace the USB charger voltage controller IC, it is located at the rear side of the PCB board.
Nokia X5 USB Charging No Response solution
Repair hints:
Check the USB pin connector and ensure that it is free from dirt or oxidation, clean or replace it if necessary.
Check the chip fuse if open, replace if damaged
Check the diode if shorted, replaced if damaged
If the fuse and the diode is okay but the charging problem still exists proceed to rework or replace the USB charger voltage controller IC, it is located at the rear side of the PCB board.
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