Here's the solution for Nokia N97 Send, End and Menu button keys not responding problem. This solution may possibly help fix and solved if the upper keypad keys stop working.
After ensuring that the upper keypad flex is okay but still the Send, End and Menu keys won't work you may then use and apply this solution below.
The above solution shows the connection of the upper keypad keys line paths from the pin con connector through to the EMI-ESD filter chip. This filter IC also shared and being used for the camera module. So if both camera and and the upper keys are not working you may suspect that this chip is faulty or already damaged.
If the flex cable is okay and or already tried replacing a new one but the problem still exist, you may then check and replace the EMI-ESD filter IC. And don't forget to ensure that the pin connector is perfectly clean.
After ensuring that the upper keypad flex is okay but still the Send, End and Menu keys won't work you may then use and apply this solution below.
Nokia N97 SEND, END and MENU keypad keys failure Solution
The above solution shows the connection of the upper keypad keys line paths from the pin con connector through to the EMI-ESD filter chip. This filter IC also shared and being used for the camera module. So if both camera and and the upper keys are not working you may suspect that this chip is faulty or already damaged.
If the flex cable is okay and or already tried replacing a new one but the problem still exist, you may then check and replace the EMI-ESD filter IC. And don't forget to ensure that the pin connector is perfectly clean.
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