Samsung Galaxy S3 Launcher for Alcatel STAR & IDOL
Brilliant Launcher from Samsung Galaxy S3 for Alcatel STAR & IDOL and will work on other Android GB, ICS or JB devices actually launcher is for Samsung Galaxy Y.
Launcher is really beautiful style working smoothly with super visual effects like on Samsung Galaxy S3 device also icons is original stock from Galaxy S3.
Another thing launcher have integrated stock colorful wallapers pack from Samsung Galaxy S3 as you seen on screen shots.
Features of Launcher:
- Shake to switch wallaper
- Desktop transition effects
- App drawer transition effects
- Effect on pressing icons
- Dowloaded apps tab in app drawer
- Themes
and more inside
DISCLAIMER: We(alcatelstar.blogspot.com) or developer of this APP are not responsible for any damage on your phone after installing this APP.DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!
How to install:
- You need to download flashable zip Galaxy S3 launcher from - here and copy to sdcard.
- Then enter into CWM or TWRP(I using TWRP because CWM not fully functional for yet).
- Next step you need mount system:
- if you're using CWM recovery->go to mounts and storage look at system and mount;
- if you're usiing TWRP recovery->go to mount and mount system; - Next step you need to install flashable zip:
- if you're using CWM recovery->go to install zip from sd->scroll to zip file and press yes;
- if you're usiing TWRP recovery->go to install->scroll to zip file->then swipe to confirm; - That's it Reboot phone and Enjoy for this great launcher!!!
GalaxyS3 Uninstaller Download from - here
All credits & thanks to developer - SaM-RoN
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