- Select the phone number
- Copy the phone number using Control-C or right mouse click and select Copy
- Bring up Communicator
- Click on the phone dialing window
- Control-V or right mouse click and select Paste.
- Click Dial.
When you install Lync, it will also install two IE add-ons: Lync Browser Helper and Lync add-on, which you can see by clicking on Manage Add-ons from the IE Tools menu. There are no configurable options.
Also from the Tools menu, you will see an option for Lync add on, which gives you a few simple options (enabled by default).
On every IE webpage you visit, Lync will determine what is a phone number using some internal normalization rules (non-viewable or editable at this time). When a match occurs, Lync 2010 will place a small icon beside the number like this:
When you hover over the icon in a webpage, you'll see something like the following:
I've found that Lync is fairly good at determining what is a phone number and what isn't. Oddly, it doesn't seem to accept E.164 formatted phone numbers (ie. +15195551111), unless there's a space in it. Other add-ons I've tried would treat pretty much any string of numbers as a dialable number, which was irritating.
Clicking the icon will bring up a Lync call window and Lync will automatically dial the number.
Instead of six steps, you can dial with just one click of the mouse. An extremely useful and handy feature!
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